Awareness Videos

Videos aiming to raise awareness of a cause, initiative, or campaign.
a man standing on top of a green question mark

What is an awareness video?

Nonprofit or charity organizations regularly produce awareness movies, but governments can also commission them as Public Service Announcements (PSAs). They are all videos designed to create awareness about a certain issue and influence conduct.

Awareness films can be broad in scope, promoting public awareness of the presence of an organization, such as a charity, or they can be narrowly focused on one problem. They are frequently sent online and have an ideal duration of 60-120 seconds. Media outlets distribute PSAs free of charge since they are seen to be in the public interest, and they are generally 30 seconds length, comparable to traditional broadcast advertisements.

a man balancing a balance with a globe on a scale

The benefit of using animation for awareness videos is that it allows personal stories to be told anonymously and in more expressive and emotional ways than standard filmmaking methods. The tone is influenced by the style, voiceover artist, and music, just as in any other online video. This is particularly important for delicate advertising. The call to action for awareness videos is often to learn more, but they can also request support in the form of money.

Awareness videos acquire traction online and are shared peer-to-peer because the content is of public importance. Charities also have a vast community of advocates that help spread the message. That is why charity marketing teams may consider awareness videos to be a worthy investment, since they may acquire a large organic reach online while still generating a reasonable ROI.

a cartoon city with a tall building and a sign

Thinking of a video to increase awareness of your initiative or campaign? Then book a meeting with us.

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